Petricca Customs
Welcome to the car page. Here you can find quite a few interesting car related things. This page changes daily with our moods and interests, but there are a few things that will probably be pretty constant. Firstly there will always be car show information, and cool cars in the greater western New York area. There will also be information on past and present restoration projects. There will always be paint and body tutorials, tips and tricks, and lessons learned. There will always be a custom section where I show you how I make custom lighting, engines, interiors, and other interesting car bits, as well as where you can find the parts I use, or where you can buy the truly custom components I make myself.
1973 Mustang Grande:
Currently the only car being restored is my 1973 Mustang Grande. We are rebuilding the frame, stroking the engine, adding a five speed transmission, adding custom electrical, tricked out interior, and slick coat of paint. Click on the button below to see how the project is going in grater detail
Paint and auto body tips tricks and projects
The links below will lead you to past projects as well as tips and tricks, but keep on the lookout for when I paint a Crown Victoria, and a Jeep Wrangler in the coming months
Engine Rebuilds
Rebuilding engines is a passion of mine. There is nothing better than hearing an old dead block sputter to life for the first time in years, and thats not even getting into building tricked out blocks that lay down big numbers. I am currently rebuilding my Ford 302, so click the link below to check that out.